Name: Ambros Kibana
Age: 36 years old
Height: 7'8"
Gender: Male, He/Him
Race: Half Xaela Half Raen Au'ra
Born in: Othard, in the Azim Steppe in the Mol Clan
Raised in: Othard, Hingashi
Orientation: Homosexual
Hair: Long, natural white
Eyes: Vibrant purple
Jobs/class: Warrior, Monk, Reaper
Languages: Eorzean
Noticeable features: Abnormally tall

On hand gear/items:

First aid
Warrior's axe
Reaper's scythe
Green ring and amulet

Immediate Family:
-Xaela mother, killed by the Empire.
-Raen father who raised him.

Older Sister:
-Hisa Kibana
The older of the Kibana siblings, Hisa grew up helping their father take care of Ambros after the death of their mother.
Set off on her own to heal those in need once Ambros was nearly complete with his training, vowing to help those hurt by the empire.
Don't ask Ambros about where she is, he doesn't know and can't find her.

-Liokki Octavidas
A Veena Viera that was born in Nagxia but raised in Kugane by his performer mother. He decided to become a dancer after watching his mother dance but also picked up a sword and shield to defend himself and those he cares about.
He met Ambros a few months before meeting a family of Seekers that took him in and taught him how to properly wield his weapons. The two fell deeply in love very quick, getting married not long after they agreed to stick around with the Seeker family. The two have a very loving and open relationship due to Ambros' line of work.

  • Survivalist: Ambros has spent many months and years living off the land deep in the wilds of Eorzea. He often can be found deep in Dravania, with a whole cooking set up and tent, a brief reprieve from the dangers of the wilds.

  • Chef: Ambros loves to cook, whether it be for fun, for his friends and family, as a hired chef, or for adventurers that find him in the wild at his camp. Bring him any ingredients and he can make nearly any meal you want, from fish, meat, vegetables, and fruit, he's up for making anything.

  • Warrior/Monk: He's a highly trained Warrior that dabbles in the art of a Monk. He's proud of the abilities that he honed in his homeland and what it means to him to be able to fight in any circumstance.

  • Half Raen Half Xaela: A half-breed. That's what his mother's clan called him when he and his sister were born with a Raen father. Ambros is curiously, very proud of his heritage and where he comes from. He will defend his father and clan with his body and mind, physically and verbally.

  • Family: Alongside his blood family, Ambros has an adopted family that consists of him, his husband Liokki, and their Seeker friends, Amarei, Au'majiki, and A'rin Sunstone, whom he cares about greatly, despite how chaotic they are.

Herloev Eikwesfv (Lover)

Met as a coworker at the Honey Bee Inn. Ambros originally met the Viera during a staff event like game, and the two slowly became closer over the passing weeks. Ambros enjoys the way Herloev plays into his flirts and teasing ways, which has led to the two to having some fun encounters. He wants to get to know them better, given the chance. He'd gotten to know them much better and actually ended up in a relationship, much to the Xaela's surprise! Here's to seeing if they get even close and label themselves as more than just lovers~

Saarni Ilo (Good Friend)

Originally met at a nightclub where his friend works, Ambros chanced upon the Rava one night. The two started talking regularly when he would visit the club, leading up to Ambros's husband Liokki asking Saarni on a date. Both desire to get to know him better and hope to possibly take it farther if Saarni wants.

Faramir Ithilien (Acquaintance)

The two only just met during an escort deep in the frozen wastes of Ishgard, where the two, despite hazy memories, became friends. Meeting up again afterwards for formal ball hosted for the Honey Bee staff, Ambros and Faramir began to get closer, having enjoyed their night together, despite the.... circumstance.

Raizo Rivers (Close Friend? Lover?)

Being introduced by their mutual lover Herloev, Ambros and Raizo hit it off, growing close over drinks at the Honey Bee during off hours. Ambros even came to trust him enough to share his troubles that plagued him. The two have reached a point where they could be considered lovers, but have yet to put into words what they are, though Ambros does care for the Viera very much.